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The VIP list

Ever noticed how people get so unsettled when their VIP guests show up at an event. They want to give them the warmest welcome, the perfect spot, the best food; essentially the best of everything. It could be a rich aunt at a family event or a reputable business man at a work function; just being a VIP comes with a certain level of honour.

I am not so sure if it's human nature or just something we learn as we grow but we tend to place price tags on people. There are always those people we value, respect or care about more. In other words, each one of us has their own unique VIP list. The question is, "Are you on your own VIP list?"

You shall love your neighbour as yourself.-Mark 12:31 NKJV

Love is such a beautiful thing but how can you love the next person when you can't even love yourself? There's a terrible hole we often fall into, trying to give love to others without first learning to love ourselves. The same goes for respect, value and even trust. It's impossible to give what you don't have. You gotta start with you. Be on top of your VIP list. I don't mean that you should view yourself as more important but as important.

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.-Robert Morley

Everyone in this world is busy living their own lives. You cannot afford not to live yours. Make yourself a priority. Take care of yourself. The world may never give you the love, care or respect you deserve but you can at least count on yourself for that. Before you give the world all the love, respect and care it needs, make sure you have it too because you matter. Before you add anyone to your VIP list, make sure you are on it.

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