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Updated: Aug 2, 2020

By now I suppose that phrase has become cliché.

“Challenge Accepted”.

Try to imagine yourself as the internet, sustaining billions of bored souls during these COVID

times. I am sure by now you would have been fed up of these couch potatoes and would have long packed your bags and left. Social media has remained as the main link between us and our loved ones and almost on a daily, a new challenge just pops up daily in a bid to entertain ourselves.

No Smile Challenge😒

Smile Challenge😁

No Filter Challenge💁

Don’t rush Challenge💃

Song Challenge 🎼etc.

Whether or not you have participated in those challenges is not important but there is just one more that needs to be added to the list. I am challenging you to take care of you for you; to take care of your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. You don’t even have to name this challenge but I feel at this point that it is the most crucial one ever.

From the birth of this pandemic a lot of emphasis has been placed on how you should be keeping yourself safe. Wash your hands. Use sanitizers. Practice social distancing. Wear face masks when in public.😷 I really do hope you are following those guidelines. Also remember to keep fit. Walk around your yard. Jump around. Jog a bit.🏃I believe you are mostly capable of taking care of your physical being which makes that the least of my worries. At this point I am even more concerned about your spiritual and mental health.

Do you know that you are a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body? There is much more to you than just your mascara or your abs. Your soul houses your mind, emotion, will power, decision making, memory and feelings. It is this deeper you that needs to be nourished for the outer you to glow.💆

I feel our generation doesn’t do mental health enough justice. It’s a messed up generation in which broken souls are hidden behind fake smiles and social media posts that suggest happiness. Get this right once and for all. Posting a picture of yourself laughing, having meals at elite restaurants, being the most fashionable one in your circle and having many Instagram followers does not make you a happy person. Clout and drugs do not bring about true happiness. Yes all these things can make you feel more comfortable and may give you a sense of enjoyment but as long as you haven’t dealt with your mental and emotional baggage, the feelings will always be short lived.

The biggest problem of our time is the inability to admit our brokenness. This is even worse in our male counterparts who are often told to man up. “Be a man”, that’s by far the dumbest advice you can give to a broken soul that needs nothing short of embrace. A man is human. Humans are emotional beings. We all have our dark days. It serves you no good to bury your emotions six feet underground. They will wait for the perfect moment to strike again and you will be forced to re-endure the same pain.

So then, how do you take care of your mental health? Don’t worry I got you. Here are five easy ways to stay on track.

-Eat healthy.🍇🥑 You really are what you eat so consult a nutritionist to work your way out and if you cannot, the internet has you covered.

-Talk about your feelings regularly. 🗣️Never underestimate the potential of a single conversation. Sharing problems does not always solve them but it surely makes the load less heavy.

NB: If ever you need to talk just hit the chat box; your messages remain anonymous.

-Relax and get a hobby.🏌️ All work no play makes Jake a dull boy. Take time to breathe.

-Set realistic goals💪. You are not a machine so do not be too harsh on yourself. Easy does it.

-Get enough sleep😴. Sleep is the medicine of life. Get around 6 to 8 hours of sleep per day. When the going gets tough, take a nap and deal with the rest later.

There is so much more where that came from. I cannot go through everything but again, the internet has an inexhaustible pool of resources on mental health issues, use them. If you can, also speak to professionals.

In the same air, be there for your friends. You will be shocked by the amount of emotional baggage people carry around. As your brother’s keeper make it a point to frequently check on your loved ones. It’s better to share our brokenness while we live than to expand graveyards as we fail to battle our darkness.⚰️

At this point our lives are bracketed in uncertainty. Every student at some point has thought about what the future has in store. We are all waiting for the day the Corona Virus will be gone for good but for now our hopes are cast down. Fear is inevitable and depression sometimes creeps in. Perhaps the extra time has made you realise some nasty realities about your life. It’s no secret that 2020 has been a rough ride which is why we really have to put extra effort in watching over ourselves. Share your thoughts and feelings about all that's happening around you.

As for your spiritual well-being, I cannot overemphasize the importance of prayer🛐. I am not sure about you but I know I cannot do this on my own. Do not let the fear make you feel like this is a personal battle. Stay in touch with what really matters. Feed your soul with positive energy. Read and share The Word. Find time to meditate. This phase shall come to pass so remain steadfast in your faith and always remember; YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE.

That right there is the challenge. Be a better you for you.🏆

Thanks so much for reading. Please do get in touch and share your views on this topic.

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