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Male vs Female…Who’s at the lower end of the scale?


Quick question: Have you ever been so sick and tired of something for so long to an extent that you become tired of being tired and all that is left to be is sick?

To be honest, that is me when it comes to those sexism debates whereby males vs females argue over superiority. Just to make things clear, this article is not meant to condemn any side so it really doesn’t matter where you or I truly stand. For this one let’s just ride on the same boat, as humans, no discrimination.

I believe as humans we all have a right to chose what to believe. Whether you believe that men are more superior, equal or inferior to women; it really isn’t my place to judge and that it altogether a story for another day. We’re all entitled to our own opinions. It becomes a problem when you try to impose your views and beliefs on others and worse still disadvantage them based on who they are i.e gender.

We don’t rise by pulling each other down so make peace with the fact that driving someone to feel inferior will not increase your self worth. To be honest I haven’t seen much productivity from all those social media gender based arguments. The end result is always emotions, a lot of nasty degrading comments, follow up memes, drama and drama until eventually one party is hurt enough to keep quiet.


I can refer to a recent debate that I witnessed on Instagram. A guy complained of having experienced body shaming coming from a lady.  While some tried to wrongly justify the lady, some used that as a basis of argument that ladies shouldn’t complain when they are also victimised by men. This is just a single example of how we easily lose focus. It happens everyday. The issue here is not about the gender but rather the act. Body shaming is wrong whether the executor is male or female despite the victim’s gender. In that regard, anyone is a potential victim of abuse and deserves all the attention and support regardless of gender.

Picture this: Dogs eat human poop but do you eat dog poop? Most likely, no…. because you are better than a dog. Similarly if someone attacks you with respect to your gender, do not retaliate. Instead whisper to yourself, “I am better than this dog” and stop spreading the hate. I repeat, STOP SPREADING THE HATE.

Back to our title, “Male vs Female…Who’s at the lower end of the scale?” The truth is “I don’t know”. You are free to answer it anyhow. My point is not to judge any side but rather to advocate for peace. It’s about time we stop fighting over ideas and opinions.

Gender bias is a real issue that affects everyone. Tell me what you think about it in the comments section. For more discussions head on to my contact page and hit me up. #startaconversation Thanks for reading!

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